Shimmering Sandbars

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Pirate ҉ 0 235 by Pirate ҉
Nov 25, 2011 18:03:25 GMT -6


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Shimmering Sandbars

On the far east side of the island, a gigantic sandbar rests in the salty tang of the ocean. Stretching six miles out to sea, the sandbank shimmers brightly. The murky cobalt water softens to a lighter cerulean, then merges in a way that turns the hue an interesting olive until finally, it melts into a creamy ivory tint. The creamy sand rises out of the water in humps, the middle of the sandbank is completely submerged in the ocean but both the beginning and end sits atop the water, making it a perfect place for a seal or turtle to rest and sun-bathe.
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