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No New Posts Snow Shards

Of all the icy tundra, there lies the Snow Shards, which are the largest mountains. It's is nearly impossible to miss the gigantic rock formation, but it is also nearly impossible to climb the Snow Shards. Very few animals explore this area, and even fewer come out alive. However, around the base of the mountain, animals are spotted darting around. Mountain goat also have a liking for this area because they are frequently spotted bounding along the mountain's sides.

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No New Posts Winter Wonderland - 1 Viewing

Rolling hills of sparkling plains streatch along the arctic. Snow-coated trees spread out along the land, as well as a few bushes and patches of fresh grass. There is also a large lake, which isn't frozen over, but it may be a death trap if an animal is to fall in, considering it's icy touch. The small lakes are scattered around the area, and the ice is so thin, it can be broken with a sharp tap of a caribou's hoof. Some even lie broken at the moment, the frigid water lapping the sides of the lake.

1 1 Beyond the Mountainside
by Deleted
Sept 26, 2012 16:48:50 GMT -6
No New Posts Everlasting Ice

This area is made up of frozen water. It's surface is completely covered in ice and snow, besides the frequent seal breathing holes and broken ice. It's a prefect hunting place for a polar bear or a scavenging fox. This is both a good den place and a good hunting place. Many of the arctic animals reside around here.

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No New Posts Frozen Plains

A barren wasteland of ice. On and on the icy grasp of the snow paints the canvas. It may be a nice selection for a den, but the prey is quite scarce. However, the few prey items that walk the icy tundra, has been weakened by the cold, or toughened by the will to live. Many animals have fallen victim to the frigid cold, so only the animals with the thickest fur tread here.

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No New Posts Free Land

This area consists of fresh pallid snow will a thick forest of trees. A few streams run throughout the territory, and also attracts herds of caribou. The land is currently free and undisturbed of territory markers. However, this land is one of the best in the Frozen Tundra...

Go claim it!

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No New Posts Free Land2

Along the outskirts of the Winter Wonderland, another land, free of claimed terrirory lies. A few large caves can be found around the area, as well as fresh caribou tracks. The herds of caribou reside in this area of the Frozen Tundra the most. So it would be wise for a pack a wolves or maybe even a bear to claim this area...

Go claim it!

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Frozen Tundra

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Pirate ҉ 0 235 by Pirate ҉
Nov 25, 2011 18:03:25 GMT -6


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Frozen Tundra

A blanket of white in cold seasons, turns into a creamy russet color in the warmer seasons and has grass growing in small patches around the area. Mountains protrude from the ground in massive heaps and are painted ivory by the snow. Many streams and lakes lace throughout the area, and leads up to the Everlasting Ice. Polar bears, penguins, and other artic creatures live here.
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