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No New Posts Ghostly Undergrowth - 1 Viewing

Tall gnarled trees weave along a gloomy forest, as their roots lie in limp tangled wads. A sinister ghostly fog fills the entire area.

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No New Posts Howling Hollows - 1 Viewing

Thick trees clutter the backpart of the jungle. Many hollows are carved into the trees, and when the wind picks up, it creates a howling sound. Many say this part of the jungle is especially haunted because of the howling and low moaning noises. Many say it's the pained howls of the demon's victims...

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No New Posts Writhering Vines

In the omnious jungle lies a tangled mass of vines. The pale limp wines hang from the trees and twine itself along the jungle floor. Snakes are very common in this area, so it is very easy to mistake a vine for a slithering serpent. There raspy hisses whisper along the area in a ghostly manner.

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No New Posts Misty Shadows

A large lake rests in the middle of a barren area, causing anyone who steps away from the protection of the trees and into the wide open area to feel extremely vunerable. Those who do drink from the lake, says to see a reflection of a vicious animal next to them in the water, but when they turn to confront the animal, it's gone.

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No New Posts Ashen Limbs

This part of the jungle fell prey to a fierce fire, leaving the area blackened to ash. The broken charred limbs of trees scatter the area, and no new trees or grass grows in this part of the jungle.

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No New Posts Omnious Feilds

A vast somber feild lies outside the jungle. The grass within the feild is has a lifeless coffee-brown tinge to it, along with the filted flowers. Many large rocks are scattered along the feild as well as a few trees.

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No New Posts Dead-Wood - 1 Viewing

A blackened red-wood tree rests in the middle of a misty feild. The branches extend and reaches far across a portion of the jungle, tangled vives reaches below. Skulls of many victims hang from the tree, where the other bones are is a mystery. Some said this was the nest for the demon, but the area was strange. They claim a second killer roams this area, and the demon doesn't tread upon it. They dubbed the other animal, Phantom. No one lived to tell the tale of either beast, only rumors remain. They titled this tree 'Dead-Wood' from the tree it is, but the tree long a go blackened into a dead hue.

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Somber Jungle

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Pirate ҉ 0 235 by Pirate ҉
Nov 25, 2011 18:03:25 GMT -6


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Somber Jungle

This jungle is said to house a demon and anyone who enters is killed and eaten by said beast. No one knows who or what inhabits this area, because anyone who meets it, usually never makes it out alive. The jungle itsself is very mysterious and even when the sun shines brightly, the jungle remains a somber onyx hue. Very few animals travel into the jungle, however, maybe one day, one will be brave enough to enter the jungle...
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