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No New Posts Free Land

Amongst the cliffs there are caves at the base of the mountain. It would provide an excellent place for a territory, seeing that it actual has a decent water source that winds through the area. Even a few trees that could offer shade covers the area. For any predatory animal that chooses to make it’s home here, would have a steady supply of goat or even a few horses that gallop along this area.

Go claim it!

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No New Posts Moonblink Cave

Carved into the side of a cliff is a large cave. Once the moon rises, it's dazzling luminosity completely illuminates the cave. Some animals say it's a spiritual cave, others ay it's just a beautiful place to watch the moon. There is a sort of stepping stone like rock formation leading up to the cave, however, one misplaced step could send you spiraling down to you death.

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No New Posts Parched Gorge

Deep in the mountainous cliffs, lies a massive gorge. The area is completely vulnerable to the blistering sun, no plant life grows in the gorge and very little water is able to sustain. The ground is cracked from the dry heat, and any animal to fall in the gorge is likely to meet it's fate. That is, except for birds.

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No New Posts Scattered Crevices

Multiple cracks and crevices etches its way into the faces of this cliff. These can be home to birds and some rodents. The cracks are actually fairly deep and open up to small tunnels, a few even have a large nest in the very back. These crevices provide an excellent safety area for small mammals. Snakes are home to this part of the cliffs as well.

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No New Posts Sunglazed Peak

The highest peak of the cliffs get's it's name from the rusty hue of the cliff. Many mountain goats are completely at home here, as well as other creatures. Vultures are seen soaring around at immense heights, searching for one of the animals that very victim to a misplaced foot. Those that made it to the peak of the cliffs have great strength and endurance. This place provided an excellent “training” ground.

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Cavasting Cliffs

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Pirate ҉ 0 235 by Pirate ҉
Nov 25, 2011 18:03:25 GMT -6


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Cavasting Cliffs

The mountains are extremely rocky and steep, multiple creatures have lost their footing and fell. Some survived, but many lie in a crumpled mass on the cracked terrain. Many birds and a few animals inhabit this area, however risky humans have chosen to live in this area. The mountains are bleached a rusty hue, giving it a very distinctive appearance.
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